Lead Javascript Application Developer

Toronto, ON, Canada


The Job

The opening is for a lead front-end web application developer. This key role will involve design and implementation of a new single-page web applicaiton. This is a unique opportunity to be a part of an early stage startup, working directly with the co-founders, experienced tech entreprenuers with several successfully exited web ventures under their collective belts.

The Work

This role will center around the greenfield development of a RESTful, single-page web application built from the ground up. Excellent programming skills and a passion for web technologies are a must. Candidates should have a deep understanding of HTTP mechanics, HTML5, CSS and Javascript. Experience working with web frameworks such as Jquery, DoJo and Angular js is highly prefered. Previous experience should include working on single-page web applications, JSON manipulation and REST based client-server communication using JavaScript.


  • Are a Javascript blackbelt
  • HTML5, CSS master
  • JQuery Jedi
  • Speak JSON and REST in your sleep
  • At a minimum played with Angular js and understand it
  • Write test code for everything you do and use automated testing tools